Intimation of board meeting 10.08.2017

Notice of Board Meeting

Familarisation Programme for Independent Directors

Intimation As per Regulation 30(5) LODR,2015

Public Notice of Financial Result 31.12.2015

Ceased of Directorship of Dr. Ranjeet Bannerji

Outcome of Independent Directors Meeting

Board Meeting Notice 27-05-16

Trading Window Notice 27-05-16

Update on Expansion


Resignation of Director

Notice of Board Meeting - 11.08.16

Notice of Trading Windows - 11.08.16

Credit Rating\

Publication of Notice - Board Meeting

Outcome of Board Meeting - 11-08-16

Wholly Own Subsdiary

Newspaper Publication of Notice of BM 21.01.2020

Newspaper Publication Financial Result q3 2019-20

Intimation of BM_16.01.2020

Intimation of Trading Windowclosure 02.04.2020

Intimation of TRading Window closure 01.07.2020

Intimation of AGM and BOOK Closure date 25.07.2020

Intimation of Publication Result 28.07.2020

Intimation of Trading window closure_17.08.2020

Impact of COVID-19 05.09.2020

Intimation Of Trading Window Closure 30.09.2020

Intimation of Credit Rating SHL

News Paper Publication Notice of 246th BM

News Paper Publication Result 24.10.2020

Insider Trading Information 31.12.2020

News paperpublication 15.01.2021

News paper publication Result 22.01.2021

Intimation to Stx Duplicate issue-23.03.2021

Intimation of Trading Window closure_31.03.2021

News paper publication Result-16.06.2021

Newspaper publication Result 24.07.2021

Notice of Trading window closure 30.06.2021

Intimation_Notice of Trading window closure_30.09.2021

Newspaper publication Result 29.10.2021

Intimation of Credit Rating_SHL-09.12.2021

Intimation of Trading Window closure 31.12.2021

News paper publication Result 01.02.2022




clarification bse 02.04.2022

Intimation of Trading Window closure 31.03.2022

Intimation of duplicate issue of share-22.04.2022

News paper publication Result

Intimation of Credit Rating_SHL 01.07.2022

information of resignation of cs-10.08.2022

Appointment of Mr. Satyendu Pattnaik as Compliance Officer_12.08.2022

Intimation regarding Lost of Share Certificate_12.08.2022

Intimation regarding loss of share cerificate16.09.2022

Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI LODR

Trading Window Closure Notice 30.09.2022

Intimation regarding Loss of Share Certificate 13.10.2022

REG 30_Intimation of Appointment of Mr. Satyendu Pattnaik as CS

Reg 30_Intimation of appointment of CS as KMP_determine the Material Event15.11.2022

Publication of Financial Results_30.09.2022


Intimation of duplicate issue of share certificate_27.03.2023

Intimation of Trading window closure 31 03 2023

Intimation of Tradig Window Closure 30.06.2023

Intimation of lost of share certificate 04.07.2023

Intimation Loss of share certificate_Transmission_16.08.2023

Intimation of loss of share certificates_06.11.2023


Postal Ballot Notice_06.12.2023_SHL

Intimation of Trading Window Closure 29.09.2023

Intimation Trading window closure notice_29122023

Disclosure Reg 30 SEBI LODR_08012024

Intimation to stock exchange Trading window closure_28032024

Intimation of Trading Window closure_29.06.2024